“D’Arc Tangent” Bibliography
- “Special Preview: ELFQUEST BOOK 2,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, # 7 (Jan. 1983), pp. 25-28
Arnold, Andre D.
- “The Graphic Novel Silver Anniversary,” TIME.COM, http://www.time.com/time/columnist/arnold/article/0,9565,542579,00.html
- “Never Too Late: TIME.commix talks with industry legend Will Eisner,” TIME.COM, http://www.time.com/time/columnist/printout/0,8816,488263,00.htm
Barlas, Peter
- “Stan Lee,” www.angelfire.com/nm/Clutch888/stan.html
Black, David R.
- “The DC Implosion!”, FANZING (THE DC COMICS FAN SITE), http://www.fanzing.com/mag/fanzing27/feature1.shtml
Beerbohm, Robert
- “Comics Reality 11,” http://members.aol.com/comicbknet/realty11.txt
Charters, David
- “Swashbuckling Hero the World Forgot,” LIVERPOOL POST, May 5, 2004, http://static.highbeam.com/d/dailypostliverpoolengland/may052004/swashbucklingherotheworldforgotoncehisstoriesthril/
Cooke, Jon B. & Irving, Christopher
- “The Charlton Empire (A Brief History of the Derby, Connecticut Publisher)” from COMIC BOOK ARTIST #9, www.twomorrows.com/comicbookartist/articles/09empire.html
Crystal, Ellie
- “Robotics,” http://www.crystalinks.com/robotics.html
David, Peter
- “But I Digress: The Last of First,” COMICS BUYER’S GUIDE (Feb. 17, 2003)
- “What Are Direct Sales?” COMICS SCENES #7, pp.49-54
Dean, Michael
- “The Image Story: A Four-Part Series,” THE COMICS JOURNAL, http://www.tcj.com/3_online/n_image1.html
Deeley, Michael
- “Dave Sim, Off At A Tangent?”, SILVER BULLET COMICS, http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/soapbox/98969979347483,print.htm
Deppey, Dirk
- “She’s Got Her Own Thing Now,” COMICS JOURNAL #269, http://www.tcj.com/269/e_own1.html
Eagleson, Duncan
- “Strange Arcs,” www.mcbridemagic.com/ArcMage/podium02.html
Eisner, Will
- “The Alternative Comic Book Press,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 63, p. 228
Flynn, Mike
- “The Pendulum of Legion Fandom,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1 #4 (July 1982), pp. 16-18 & 64
Foroohar, Rana
- “Comic Relief,” MSNCB.com, http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8941787/site/newsweek/
Gelb, Jeff
- “Pacific Comics,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, #9 (May 1983), pp. 20-23
Greenburger, Robert
- “Eclipse Rising,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, # 2 (March 1982), pp. 48-51
- “Marvel Turns 20,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, # 1 (Jan. 1982), pp. 11-18, 64
Groth, Gary
- “Sabre’s a Dull Blade,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 63, pp. 30-31
Harvey, R.C.
- “Comicopia,” ROCKET’S BLAST COMICOLLECTOR #15, p. 58
Huntley, Noel
- “The Wave Function is Real: The Holographic Quantum Model,” http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/Wavefunction.htm
Howell, Richard
- “Kirby’s Romance Women – Tough Enough?” from JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR #20, http://www.twomorrows.com/kirby/articles/20howell.html
Kitchen, Denis
- “Redefining the Undergrounds,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, #5, I (Sept. 1982), pp. 30-31
Levitz, Paul
- “The Triumph of Comics Fandom,” COMICS SCENE, Vol. 1, #1 (Jan. 1982), pp. 62-63 & 65
- “A Call for Higher Criticism,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 50, pp. 44-45
Luciano, Dale
- “An Unapologetic and Eulogistic Critical Survey of Steve Gerber’s Howard the Duck,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 63, pp. 152-162
Malin, Adam
- “The Phenomenon: 1965-1981,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, #1 (Jan. 1982), pp. 24-26
Mallow, Keith
- Where Have You Gone, Herbie Popnecker?”, COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, #5 (Sept. 1982), pp. 48-49
Markstein, Don
- “Challengers of the Unknown,” TOONPEDIA.COM, http://www.toonopedia.com/chalngrs.htm
Matheson, Whitney
- “Girls Get Their ‘Shojo’ Working in Comic Book Shops,” http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2004-05-12-manga-main_x.htm
- “What Animates Teens About Manga? The Stories,” http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2004-05-11-manga-inside_x.htm
Mullaney, Dean
- “A Declaration of Independents,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 56-57
Offenberger, Rik,
- “Paul Levitz: Living In an Amazing World,” SILVER BULLET COMICS, http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/features/106143682856239.htm
Perkins, David
- “A Definition of Caricature and Caricature Recognition,” STUDIES IN VISUAL COMMUNICATION 2, 1976, 1
Pini, Richard
- “Marvel Elfquest #1,” http://rwhirled.com/eq/eqletter/marvel01.htm
Potter, Greg
- “The Gods and Heroes of Jack Kirby,” COMICS JOURNAL # 59 (Oct. 1980), pp. 84-93
Thomas, Roy
- “And Now—A Few Brief Words About Iron Fist,” MARVEL PREMIERE #15 (May 1974), p. 19
Samuels, James
- “What is INTERFAN?” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1 #3, pp. 62-64
Sanford, Jay Allen
- “Two Men and Their Comic Books,” SAN DIEGO READER (Aug.. 19, 2004), http://www.sdreader.com/php/cover.php?mode=article&showpg=1&id=20040819
Stallman, David
- “Super-heroes: The Cult and the Fad (Including a Call for Radical Change at Marvel and DC),” COMICS JOURNAL No. 57, pp. 107-113
Waid, Mark
- “Beginnings and Endings: A Preview of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS,” AMAZING HEROES #66, pp. 23-30
Zilber, Jay
- “You Too Can Join an APA,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1 #8, pp. 54-56 & 64
Zimmerman, Howard
- “Jack Katz & The First Kingdom,” COMICS SCENE Vol. 1, # 3 (May 1982), pp. 52-55, 66; #4 (July 1982), pp. 37-40, 64
Books (Fiction)
Grell, Mike
- Sable (Forge Books, 2000)
Lovecraft, H.P.
- The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre (Del Rey, 1982)
- Re-Animator: Tales of Herbert West (Malibu Graphics, 1992)
Books (Nonfiction)
Benton, Mike
- The Comic Book in America: An Illustrated History (Taylor Publishing, 1989)
Berlo, David K.
- The Process of Communication, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1960
Bissette, Stephen R. & Wiater, Stanley,
- Comic Book Rebels (Plume, 1993)
Bongco, Mila
- Reading Comics: Language, Culture, and the Concept of the Superhero in Comic Books (Garland Publishing, Inc., 2000)
Clute, John
- Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia (Dorling Kindersley, 1995)
Cullman, Oscar
- Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? (Macmillan, 1958)
Darby, William
- John Ford’s Western (McFarland Publishing, 1996)
De la Croix, Horst & Tansey, Richard G.
- Gardner’s Art Through the Ages (8TH Ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
Dembski, William A.
- Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology (InterVarsity Press, 1999)
Eisner, Will
- Comics & Sequential Art (Poorhouse Press, 1985)
- Graphic Storytelling & Visual Narrative (Poorhouse Press, 1996)
Eliade, Mircea
- Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (Princeton University Press, 1964)
Fleisher, Michael
- The Encyclopedia of Superheroes: Volume I. Batman (Collier Books, 1976)
Forell, George W.
- The Protestant Faith (Fortress Press, 1960)
Gose, Elliot
- Mere Creatures (University of Toronto Press, 1988)
Harvey, R.C.
- The Art of the Comic Book: An Aesthetic History (University of Mississippi, 1996)
Holstein, Jay A.
- Jewish Experience (Burgess International Group, 3rd Edition, 1990)
Kane, Bob w/Andrae, Tom
- Batman & Me (Eclipse Books, 1989)
Keeley, Joseph
- The Left-Leaning Antenna (Arlington House, 1971)
King, Stephen
- Danse Macabre (Everest House, 1981)
Klock, Geoff
- How To Read Superhero Comics (Continuum, 2002)
Lee, Stan
- Origins of Marvel Comics (Simon & Schuster, 1974)
Lovecraft, H.P.
- “Supernatural Horror in Literature,” Dagon and Other Macabre Tales (Arkham House, 1987)
McCloud, Scott
- Understanding Comics (Tundra Publishing, 1993)
McKenzie, Alan
- How To Draw and Sell Comic Strips (Quatro Publication, 1987)
Micklethwait, John & Wooldridge, Adrian
- The Right Nation (Penguin Press, 2004)
Myers, John Myers
- Doc Holliday (University of Nebraska, 1955)
New Oxford Annotated Bible With Apocrypha (Oxford University Press, Expanded Edition, RSV, 1977)
- The Republic (Penguin Classics, 1987)
Rawson, Daniel
- Design (Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987)
Revel, Jean-François
- Anti-Americanism (Encounter Books, 2003)
Sabin, Roger
- Adult Comics: An Introduction (Routledge, 1993)
Sagan, Carl
- Cosmos (Random House, 1980)
Schreiner, Dave
- Kitchen Sink Press: The First 25 Years (Kitchen Sink Press, 1994)
Schweizer, Peter
- Reagan’s War (Doubleday, 2002)
Severin, Werner J. & Tankard Jr., James W.
- Communication Theories: Origins*Methods*Uses (Hastings House, 1979)
Skal, David J.
- The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror (Norton, 1993)
Snelling. O.F.
- 007 James Bond: A Report (Signet, 1965)
Viguerie, Richard A. & Franke, David
- America’s Right Turn (Bonus Books, 2004)
Walker, Mort
- Backstage At the Strips (Mason/Charter, 1975)
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (World Publishing Company, 2nd Edition, 1972)
Wells, H.G.
- The Outline To History, (International Collectors Library, 1971)
Wills, Garry
- John Wayne’s America: The Politics of Celebrity (Simon & Schuster, 1997)
Wright, Bradford W.
- Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001)
Yronwode, Catherine
- Art of Will Eisner (Kitchen Sink Press, 1982)
Comics/Graphic Novels
Claremont, Chris
- Marvel Premiere, #s23-25
- Iron Fist, #s 1-15 (Marvel Comics)
Eisner, Will
- The Dreamer (Kitchen Sink Press)
Foglio, Phil & Cochran, Connor Freff
- D’Arc Tangent #1 (ffantasy ffactory)
- D’Arc Tangent #2 (unpublished)
Grell, Mike
- Green Arrow: The Long-Bow Hunters (DC Comics)
- Green Arrow, v.2, Issues 1-80 (DC Comics)
- James Bond: Permission to Die Issues 1-3 (Acme Press/Eclipse Comics)
- Jon Sable, Freelance Vol. 1 Issues 1-5 (First Comics)
- Starslayer: The Log of the Jolly Roger, 1-6 (Pacific Comics), 7-8 (First Comics)
- The Warlord, v.1. 1-52, v.2 1-6 (DC Comics)
Hester, Phil
- “The Slide To Nowhere,” Negative Burn, Vol. 1 # 29, pp. 44-54 (Caliber Comics)
Kane Bob & Finger, Bill
- Detective Comics #s 28, 29, 32, 38, 43 (DC Comics)
- Batman #1 (DC Comics)
Lee, Stan
- Amazing Spider-Man, #s 96-98 (Marvel Comics)
- Daredevil #1 (Marvel Comics)
- Fantastic Four #s 1, 55 (Marvel Comics)
Moore, Alan & Bissette, Stephen
- Saga of the Swamp Thing (DC Comics)
O’Neil, Dennis & Adams, Neal
- Green Lantern & Green Arrow, Issues 85-86 (DC Comics)
Englehart, Stephen
- “Steve Englehart in Transition,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 63, pp. 264-283
Gerber, Steve
- “An Interview With Steve Gerber,” COMICS JOURNAL #41, pp. 29-44
Grell, Mike
- “Mike Grell,” COMICS INTERVIEW #69, pp. 22-44
- “Mike Grell, Freelance: Jon Sable’s Creator On His Days of Independence,” from COMIC BOOK ARTIST #8, http://twomorrows.com.comicbooksartist/articles/08grell.html
Kitchen, Denis
- “From the Heartland of America: An Interview with Krupp Comic’s Denis Kitchen,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 63, pp. 211-225
Pini, Wendy & Richard
- “An Interview with Wendy and Richard Pini,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 63, pp. 127-151
Reed, Gary
- “Interviews: Gary Reed Creator of Saint Germaine,” JAZMA ONLINE, http://www.jazmaonline.com/interviews/interviews.asp?intID=180
Shooter, Jim
- “Pushing Marvel Into the ‘80s: An Interview with Jim Shooter,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 60, pp. 56-83
Sim, Dave
- “Dave & Seni Sim: A Talk With The Famous Aardvark Artist (And His Lovely Publisher, Too),” Part 1, COMICS JOURNAL No. 82, pp. 66-83 and Part 2, COMICS JOURNAL, No. 83, pp. 59-81
Staton, Joe
- “From E-Man to Batman: Joe Staton Interview,” COMICS JOURNAL # 45, pp. 37-45
Wein, Len
- “Len Wein,” COMICS JOURNAL No. 48, pp. 73-99
Wolfman, Marv
- “An Interview with Marv Wolfman,” COMICS JOURNAL #44, pp. 34-51
- “The Total Marv Wolfman Interview, AMAZING HEROES #135, pp. 22-45
Wrightson, Berni
- “An Interview With Berni Wrightson,” COMICS JOURNAL #76, pp. 80-119
“Publishers,” AMAZING HEROES PREVIEW SPECIAL SUMMER 1988, pp. 283-284
“Publishers, “1989 AMAZING HEROES PREVIEW SPECIAL, p. 288
Amazing Heroes
American Spectator
Comic Book Profiles
Comics Journal
Comics Scene
Rocket’s Blast Comicollector
TV Guide
Vent Magazine
Internet Sources
Anything Left Handed
- “Left-Handed Myths and Misunderstands,” www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/lefty_myths.html
Atlas Archives
- “Articles,” http://www.atlasarchives.com/articles.html
- “Comics,” http://www.atlasarchives.com/comics.html
- “History,” http://www.atlasarchives.com/history.html
- “Who’s Who,” http://www.atlasarchives.com/whoswho/whoswhoB.html
- “Avari,” http://www.babynamesworld.com/search.php?tab=3&f_gender=2&f_start=avari&f_submit=1&asearch=1&browseby=1
Batman: The Animated Series
- “Two Face” www.batmantas.com/cmp/twoface.htm
- “Birth of ALTER-EGO,” www.billschelly.com/pages/aebirth.html
- “FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions,” www.billschelly.com/pages/faq.html
- “Books Currently Available From Hamster Press,” www.billschelly.com/pages/books.html
- “Comico Comics,” http://comic-comics.biography.ms/
Bio Files:
- “Julius Schwartz, “http://www.historyguy.com/biofiles/schwartz_julius.html
- “Company Timeline,” http://bookstores.darkhorse.com/company/timeline.php
Collected Issues of The Dark Knight
- “Grell, Mike,” http://www.rasalghul.co.uk/database/contributors_details.asp?id=312
Comics 101: A (Brief) History of Comic Books in America
Comics of the 1980s Homesite (Meesh)
Comixfan Forum
- “PR: 'Nuff Said Plots Online at Marvel.com,” posted 12/5/2001, http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/showthread.php?t=12
- “A Brief History of Caliber Comics,” http://www.garyreed.net/Caliber/CaliberHistory.htm
- “Whither Caliber,” http://www.garyreed.net/Caliber/whithercaliber.htm
- “A History of the Comics Market,” www.garyreed.net.Caliber/historycomics.htm
H.P. Lovecraft Archive
- “Collected Essays, Volume 1: Amateur Journalism,” http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/sources/ce1.htm
Heritage Comics
- “My Date #1,” http://www.heritagecomics.com/common/view_item.php?Sale_No=14062&Lot_No=17732&src=pr
- “Barnes & Noble.com Adds Graphic Novel Storefront,” http://www.icv2.com/articles/home/2297.html
Nationmaster.com Encyclopedia:
- “American Comic Book”: http:www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/America-comic-book
- “Comics”: http:www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Comics
One Hundred Greatest Comics of the 20th Century (Brown, Mitchell)
- “Young Romance,” http://www.geocities.com/mbrown123/youngromance1.html
Phil Foglio Gallimaufry 3 (Hurwood, Michael)
- “His Name Is Kane,” http://stevestiles.com/kane2.htm
Superman 1933-2003: Seventy Years Strong
- Homepage, http//superman.ws/seventy/
- “Reign of the Super-Man,” http://superman.ws/seventy/reign/
Viz Media
- Shojo, http://www.viz.com/products/shojo/
- Shonen Jump, http://www.viz.com/products/shonenjump/
Cochran, Connor Freff
Cooke, Jon B.
Englehart, Stephen
Grell, Mike
Gold, Mike
Hester, Phil
Jurgens, Dan
Kitchen, Denis
Kuntz, J. Kenneth Kuntz
Mennel, Timothy
Reed, Gary