Veterans Day 2024
It is Veterans Day 2024. Keep it in your hearts and minds tomorrow. To help you do so, here are 7 facts and a heartfelt plea from the UAP (United American Patriots) website:
1. Veterans Day is Not Memorial Day

Veterans Day is a federal holiday recognized each November to celebrate and honor all U.S. veterans — deceased or living. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day, a day to remember those service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. Memorial Day is in May of each year.
2. November 11 is Always Veterans Day

No matter the day of the week, Veterans Day always falls on November 11 each year. It’s also a federal holiday recognized nationwide. With 18.2 million vets living in the United States, it’s a holiday most communities celebrate with festivals, parades, and recognition of local vets.
3. President Eisenhower Changed the Holiday Name

Originally called Armistice Day, that name changed in 1954 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially switched it to Veterans Day.
4. Other Countries Celebrate It Too
Because World War I was a multi-country effort with thousands of lives lost, other countries involved in the war honor their veterans around this time of year, too. On or near November 11, France, Australia, Canada, and Great Britain pay respects to their vets. The UK and Canada call the day of honor Remembrance Day.
5. Arlington National Cemetery Hosts an Annual Event

Each year on November 11 at exactly 11 am, Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia holds a Veterans Day event. It starts with a wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The public is always invited to attend.
6. There’s No Apostrophe in Veterans Day

You’ve probably seen it spelled different ways — including veteran’s or veterans’— but the Department of Defense firmly states it’s simply “Veterans Day”.
7. All Veterans are Honored

The holiday was formerly called Armistice Day to commemorate the end of World War I. While it may have been founded in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”, Veterans Day is to honor all veterans from all wars.
Take Care of a Veteran This Veterans Day
If you have the chance, go into a military community during Veterans Day to experience the true spirit of this observed holiday. Even if you don’t live near a military base, your community likely has special events or festivals to honor your local military members.
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