“Arthur Jermyn” Now Available Through Diamond

Time for yet another shout-out to inform ye all that the latest Caliber Comics re-issue of my H. P. Lovecraft adaptations is now available for order through Diamond Distribution! This time up is ARTHUR JERMYN, also known as “Facts in the Case of Arthur Jermyn and His Family” and “The White Ape.” (Phew!) Cover and interior art by the great Wayne Reid. Like all the Caliber/Lovecraft re-issues this graphic novel features re-scanned artwork and updated editorial material along with an illustrated copy of the original story by HPL.

William Heitman’s illustration for Lovecraft’s “Arthur Jermyn” as it appeared under the title “The White Ape” in the April 1924 issue of Weird Tales.
Speaking of that original story, Lovecraft gives a behind-the-scenes glimpse of his inspiration for it in this snippet from a letter he wrote to Weird Tales editor Edwin Baird in 1923:
“Somebody had been harassing me into reading some work of the iconoclastic moderns — these young chaps who pry behind exteriors and unveil nasty hidden motives and secret stigmata — and I had nearly fallen asleep over the tame backstairs gossip of [Sherwood] Anderson‘s Winesburg, Ohio. The sainted Sherwood, as you know, laid bare the dark area which many whited village lives concealed, and it occurred to me that I, in my weirder medium, could probably devise some secret behind a man’s ancestry which would make the worst of Anderson’s disclosures sound like the annual report of a Sabbath school. Hence Arthur Jermyn.”
Want to find out just what that secret is? Or would you like to order a copy through Diamond distribution? Just click on this link: https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR221355.
If you would like to read more about the re-issuing of these Lovecraft adaptations , you can check out the article Reprinting H. P. Lovecraft’s Best As A Graphic Novel & Caliber Comics from Otaku No Culture.
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